It's OA

Episode 3: Break Up: Calling It Quits and Letting Go

In this episode, we talk about breaking up – calling it quits and letting go…

Hey everyone! It’s ‘A’! Thank you for being here!

This episode was supposed to come out last week but my mac charger popped and stopped working, so I was unable to download and upload this episode last Friday.

We usually post on Fridays but because this was supposed to come out last week, I’m publishing it today. So yes, even though it’s Valentine’s Day, we’re talking about ‘break ups’ in this episode, isn’t that just perfect?😂 ⁠

The No ‘Maritesting’ Episode, the gospel for February 7, 2024 – Mark 7:14-23⁠

Share your break up story with us! We truly want to hear it! Leave it in the comments below or send it via email for your privacy –

If you have questions, suggestions, stories you’d like us to talk about, send it through email, leave it in the comments below or send us a message on our socials, we’d love to hear from you!

Where to Listen to or Watch?

Listen on Spotify or iTunes or Watch on YouTube.

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