I\’ve already said in the past that I\’m not a \’Swiftie\’, I wasn\’t lying, but even though I\’m not a die hard fan for Taylor Swift, I can\’t deny how good of an artist she is and even though I\’m not a fan, if 80s music isn\’t playing in my mind, it\’s her songs that are.
By now, you also know I like Taylor Lautner, because he absolutely killed being Jacob Black, he\’s hot (he\’s buff but not too buff) and he has a sense of humor, just watch Grown Ups 2, The Ridiculous 6, Scream Queens and his stint on SNL, and I think that comedy trumps whatever kind of personality you\’re looking for in a partner, believe me, O\’s sense of humor is what actually makes him sexy, that\’s why despite his Dad bod, in my eyes, he\’s like the sexiest man I\’ve ever met.
Anyway, let\’s go back to December, allegedly a song Taylor Swift wrote for Taylor Lautner, after their short lived romance when they were filming the movie, Valentine\’s Day.
I\’ve not seen an interview where she confirmed it was for him, but I did see an interview for Scream Queens, where Lea Michele and John Stamos were teasing him about Taylor Swift and when Lea Michele said, \”Didn\’t she write a song about you?\”, he just casually said, \”It\’s called Back to December\”.
I\’m not a Swiftie, but I feel like Back to December is the only positive song she wrote for an ex (until Getaway Car, allegedly about Tom Hiddleston), if it is indeed about Taylor Lautner, but if it isn\’t, well, I feel like this video I saw on YouTube shorts confirms it\’s for him, take a look:
Did you catch the \”too late\” in the tune of the lyric from One Republic\’s song \”Apologize\”, and when Taylor Lautner was younger, he made a music video to that song for a high school project, allegedly, but since then, it\’s become associated with him, even though he wasn\’t in the actual song\’s music video.
Agreeing with the caption, I\’m absolutely not ready for her version of Back to December but I feel like it\’s going to be so much better and when it does come out, I feel like it\’ll be one of the songs I\’d be playing over and over just because, even though I\’m so not a Swiftie.