It's OA

Out-Of-Line Accusation: “Cheat Chat”

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Originally Published on our old blog (Opposites Attract) on September 18, 2015

A seemingly ordinary chitchat aimed at discrediting my loyalty… A friendly conversation with an unfriendly message… Even from among people who we thought know better think otherwise; or at least understandably in doubt of an apparent perfection deemed as it is under directly-manifested guise. I guess “A” and I are good in being discreet not to carelessly divulge anything that should rather be kept personal…

OA or Once Again, there is this rumor on my being unfaithful. Apparently, other than it is the nth time, the source is someone we know… Funny thing is, they don’t seem to add considerable points to creditably put some probable truth to it or at least make it a “believable lie” somehow. I guess not adding those acceptable reasoning, they rather apply “multiplication, subtraction and division” of facts…

The rumor has it that I was spotted holding hands with someone other than my wife or my kids or assisting an elderly perhaps at, of all places, a branded landmark where a considerable influx has always been known to frequent. For such case, how convenient… or inconvenient, depending on which angle we’re at I suppose.

This isn’t about me defending my “smeared reputation” though. This will be about “tale telling (truth or dare do you care)” as to establishing the viewpoint from both standpoints. “Hearsay let me say…”

From the aforesaid scenario, it would be of convenience to make use of the circumstantial situation for the denial based on the impossibility of such careless discretion along a public frame of perception. From the other side, there’s the “distrust intensification” of countering such defense within the context of a valid point. Either way, there’ll be trust issues; yours, your subject’s or for both…

As for ‘the one caught in-between’, it’ll always be unfortunate yet has the vantage point to look into as much as rationally view it in every possible angle… That’s why do the right thing; being “caught off-guard however, don’t be caught red-handed.”

In consideration of social meddling err media via today’s technological breakthrough, “the sin of one as seen by one could be a scene for everyone”… If you are to tell me about something worth my while and knowledge for reasons you care, then tell me directly verified by undeniable evidence (or you can detrimentally tag me even)… Spare yourself of having to present questionable arguments. It would appear and sound doubtful as it already is as much as worse than being a gossip as indeed a libelous sort of a made-up story… As simple as living within the current generation where everyone apparently gains from the beneficial handiness of a smart phone… Taking a picture for its intended purpose will prove clearer than depicting an image in one’s mind. You see, without substantial proof, you don’t just stir malice but likewise create animosity.

Intindihin nalang mga tsismosa, baka biktima lang sila ng \”Optical (Op teka lang) Illusion\”…

As far as cheating is concerned, it is what it is as some form of deception not to get caught for reasons alluding further damage. Consequently, to further mix it up with doubt, it is either by chance or by cruel intention (or by an “itchy tongue”) to cause harmful repercussions.

Thus, without substantial basis, you similarly put your credibility on the line as much as the intermingled relationships within the circle between:

– the cheater and the cheated
– the cheater and the rumormonger
– the cheated and the rumormonger
– the cheated and the other-woman/man
– the other-woman/man and the rumormonger
– the believer/s and the non-believer/s
– the family
– the friends
– the in-laws
– and practically everyone else.

Whereas, escalating it to spread such hearsay, it\’s between:

– the rumormonger and him/herself
– the rumormonger and other rumormongers

Then it becomes:

– everyone else vs blabbermouth vs chatterbox vs talebearer vs tattletale vs whistleblower or whatever you call each one or however they justify their being (“from a friend of a friend of a friend of a neighbor’s neighbor’s relative somewhere…” – you know what I mean) vs the truth…

It becomes as complicated as it’s intended from something so trivial. From hearsay let it be ‘here, let me say’, if it is indeed unfounded, don’t disseminate/don’t entertain. Have the veracity to apply sensibility.

All of these said, it may sound defensive of me… But like any victim of “unfounded f*ck err fact” (several times over at that), I’m compelled to “hear & say” something… It’s not like I said something when similarly “I was seen with someone on my lap” at a public place where other frequenters are more like “prick/freak went there”… Therefore, regardless of place, time, occasion, etc., there are yentas stalking and talking…


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